Girls on Fire Book 2016-17
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This packed volume reveals 10 magical copy creation tricks that let your copy practically write itself from email copywriter and coach Teresa Misty RHN…secrets to gaining thousands of followers on social media from entrepreneur and mentor Stefanie Klenner…the one-minute email technique to closing copywriting clients from copywriter and marketing consultant Allison Carpio…four universal keys to entrepreneurial success from executive resume business owner Lisa Rangel…how to stand out from the sea of copywriters and consultants and have clients practically begging for a slot on your schedule from direct response video consultant, copywriter, and producer Alina Medina…and more from other female copywriters, marketers, and entrepreneurs, including Vicky Fraser, Pauline Longdon, Lindsay Sacks, Lauren Hazel, Hillary Styles, Christy Goldfeder, Sherri Caldwell, Terri Melling Sassone, and Sindy Berner.